Timor Aid

Timor Aid is researching and documenting the rich cultural traditions of communities in and around Timor-Leste since more than 20 years. Explore some of our research projects below.

Timor Aid, Research and interviews with tais artisans and experts in two Municipality (Manatuto and Manufahi). Research tais, photos collection of motif tais. This Research as part of Timor Aid’s Cultural Preservation Project funded by the Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP, U.S. Embassy-TL).

Timor Aid. Research in Manatuto Municipality, 14-18/06/2022

Timor Aid. Research in Manufahi Municipality 27/06/2022 – 01/07/2022

Timor Aid. Research in Manufahi Municipality 28/08/2023 – 01/09/2023

Timor Aid. Research in Manatuto Municipality, 11-16/09/2023

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Have any questions? We are always open to talk about our work, new projects, opportunities and how you can get involved.