Empowering Weavers

The urgency of research and documentation becomes more pronounced after UNESCO listed the Tais of Timor-Leste on December 14, 2021, as “Intangible Cultural Heritage in need of urgent safeguarding.” Timor-Leste formed a National Commission for Cultural Heritage whose members are responsible for implementing the Tais safeguard project funded by UNESCO, the Government of Timor-Leste, and donors such as USAID, UN Women, and Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP).

Timor Aid and Aloia Foundation are implementing the above­mentioned project in partnership with UN Women since 2019.

The project progress was on target in providing entrepreneurship and skills-based capacity building for Tais weavers, enhancing the Weaver’s Network capacity, and enhancing product development and market opportunities for the weavers. UN Women, Timor Aid and Alola Foundation have been supporting the establishment of the Weaver’s Networks.

21 August 2024 Activity: Brainstorming Meeting with Weavers Network from Lautem Municipality, about Tais Certification System.

Activity: Brainstorming Meeting with Weavers Network from Lautem Municipality, about Tais Certification System. The purpose of this brainstorming is to identify original Tais from each regions. The activity was attended by Weavers Network from Lautem Municipality, total participants from Weavers Network amounted to 43 people from each administrator post in Lautem. At that time, Timor Aid and NATCOM teams managed to collect information about Tais that was important for certification, amounting to 12

8 August 2024, Timor Aid was established Weavers Network in Manufahi Munipality.
Activities are going well. The total number of participants was 31 people, and the total number of members of Weavers Manufahi Municipality is currently 60 people. This activity was also attended by partners such as the Director of the PAM, ONG OK Representative, SEAC, MCI, President of the Association of Potential Women of Manufahi Municipality, and Weavers
Timor AId and the work team received appreciation from the Manufahi Municipality Government because the establishment of Weavers Netwok helped the Weavers, and could further develop the original Tais as the cultural identity of Manufahi Municipality.
This activity is supported by UN Women Timor-Leste

August 6, 2024, Timor Aid was established Weavers Network in Manufahi Munipality. This activity was also attended by SEAK, MCI, SEII, Chairperson of the Potential Women’s Association of Ainaro Municipality, Representative of the Ministry of Agriculture of Ainaro Municipality, and 86 participants from the Weavers Ainaro Municipality. The program going well, from Weavers and the authorities in Ainaro Municipality were proud and appreciated the TA team who were able to come to build the Weavers Network to gather them in Ainaro Municipality.
In terms of advocacy, the TA team met directly with PAM (President Autority of Ainaro Municipality), and PAM himself assured that this would be an important issue and would be included in the Weavers Network budget plan for 2025.
This activity is supported by UN Women Timor-Leste

On May 23, Timor Aid  established Weavers Network in Liquiçá.
We are pleased to inform you that we have established the Soru Na’in Network in Liquiçá.
Organized and supported by Timor Aid and UN Women Timor-Leste, with the participation of 52 participants from Liquiçá, Bazartete, Maubara and Loes, representatives of the Municipal Authority, the Secretary of Planning, Investment and Urban Development Administration, Mr. Francisco dos Santos Pereira, local leaders, focal points of SEAC, MCI, Potential Women of Liquiçá and local media.
The elected structure of the Liquiçá Soru Na’in Network:
Coordinator: Fernanda Pereira; Deputy Coordinator: Agustina Soares; Treasurer Augusta Cardoso; Secretariat: Esperanca de Jesus Maximum Counsel: José Ataide and Manuel Dias dos Santos.

Timor Aid Established Weavers Network in Manatuto
Organized and supported by Timor Aid and UN Women Timor-Leste, with the participation of 50 participants from Manatutu, Cairui and Laclubar Villages, representatives from the Municipal Authority, 2 local leaders (Sefe Suku), SEAC focal points, MCI, Tourism, SEI, Manatutu Potential Women, Youth Center and local media.
This program is support by UN Women Timor-Leste.

On June 26, 2024, Timor Aid established in Ermera Municipality
Timor Aid Established the Weavers Network of Ermera Municipality, with the participation of 52 main soru na’in for this program
At that time, the structure of the Weavers Network of Ermera municipality was chosen.
With the Rede Soru Na’in (ITA MAK REDE) program, it can help improve the economic empowerment of Weavers Ermera Municipality